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Final Reflective Essay.

>> Tuesday, May 24, 2011

While looking through my past blogs, I noticed that my writing has improved. In my last Reflective Essay from last semester I stated that I procrastinate while doing blog posts and I still do but I kinda improved more because in the last semester when I procrastinated, I tend to forget things and forget to include them in my blog post. This semester I improved a bit on my procrastination, I remember what to put on my blog posts and I don’t forget about leaving out detail and if I do I would go back and correct it.
In the second semester, we did not have free writes so I didn’t have any favorite posts because they were all book posts but one of my favorite posts would be the Vignette project post. In the vignette project we had to write a vignette on our own compared to the book The House on Mange Street. I had super fun actually doing the vignette projects because I get to write about my past future and the events in my life that are the highlights or important things that happened. In my vignette project, I wrote about  how I became a vegetarian, how I was shy in middle school, how I gained some confidence, talent, and how I got receive my name before I was born. This is my favorite post because I had a chance to go in depth with my work and describe the moments in great detail. Also, not only because it helped me get into detail but it helped me realized what kind of shaped me in a way. I got to realize how much confidence I gained in a year and it makes me happy that I was able to write about it. One example in my vignette project
“She just caught me off guard. My face turned red. I was heating up. My armpits were sweating. I kept telling myself to be calm, be calm. It didn’t work. “
In this part of my vignette I got to describe how I felt when i was being picked on and how my face was starting to get red.  There are more examples in my vignette where I described the moments in life and it kinda helped me be descriptive in my future essays and assignments. To get some inspiration, when we had free writes I would normally go on Tumblr for some inspiration like some of my posts, I would find a picture and include it in my post and say my opinion about it or agree with the saying of the picture and have my own personal experience with it. Now second semester was for mainly book blogging rather than free writes.
    I really like having a blog because even though we don’t get to have free writes anymore, we have response posts and they kinda help me see what other classmates say about my posts and what their opinion on it is. Before, I really love having a blog because I was able to express my feelings like If I am having a bad week or so I was able to write about it and pour my heart. One post where I kind of revealed my past problems is in my What is the Definition of Beautiful post.
One quote from it is:
"Why do people always mention skinny, tall, long legs, banging body type of girls? I am tired of people referring skinny girls as beautiful. What about the ones that are not skinny and is average or over weight?"
  I decided to write about this because society has a huge impact on image and I was very hesitant to write about it but I want others to know that I was in this situation also and fit into the skinny, nice looking image and I got few responses from that. I still do love blogging even though we don’t have free writes anymore because the Book Reviews acts as a substitute for it. I also love blogging rather than writing on a piece of paper because of course typing on a keyboard is way faster, this way I am able to put all of my ideas on a document. When I write my ideas on a separate piece of paper, I sometimes lose my train of thought. Blogging has changed the way I write because I used to take a while typing up something on blogger like a free write or something. When I have a keyboard in front of me I spill out whatever I need to say on the document instead of me like staring at my keyboard and questioning myself whether or not I should type it or not. In the first semester, I was afraid of writing what I felt like because back then I really cared about what other people’s opinion about what I said. Even before, when I was in 8th grade I had to post some of my work on blogger for other people to see. I posted stuff about myself and my works. They were mostly poems. I was very nervous of posting anything on blogger because I was scared that my poems might be horrible and my poems are not good enough. Soon, after almost the last quarter of the first semester I started writing about whatever I chose too. I was not afraid of what people thought of my work. Some of my classmates comments on my work and they were helpful. Blogging helped me get some feedback and when I read the feedback that I received, I can use the feedback to improve on my next blog or maybe fix something back.  I can and because of this, now I don’t care if the comments I will receive is negative. Blogging changed the way I write because it offered more style to our writing life rather than a pen and a paper. We are able to use the Internet as sources. One example is when we did our debate topics about homework, we had to research sources and facts for our debate. Comparing blogging and using a pen and a piece of paper is very different because we can surf the web very quickly.
    Overall, my writing has improved over this year, I still enjoy blogging. Blogging is quick and easy, you are able to surf the web and grab sources and use them. Blogging also can have other people read your work and give you feedback to improve on maybe your next post.


Final Book Review: Kissed by an Angel

>> Wednesday, May 4, 2011

In the book, Kissed by an Angel by Elizabeth Chandler talks about two main characters in the book named Tristan and Ivy. Tristan goes to Stonehill high. In the book, Tristan is described as a well known swimming athlete with a amazing body, great abs and fit. This kind of reminds me of how Jacob was described in the Twilight Saga. Ivy also goes to Stonehill high and she is a pale, petite young lady and all that. At first Tristan was showing very much interest in Ivy which is every girl’s dream to have such a hot guy to have a crush on a average looking girl. The chemistry between Tristan and Ivy is unbelievable. I really loved how Ivy was not showing any interest in Tristan and it slowly grew on to her how she has a crush on Tristan. Ivy strongly believes in angels. She has a whole collection of statues that are angels. Her favorite ones are Tony and the Water Angel.
“Water Angel, Ivy prayed silently. Water angel, don’t let me fall. You helped me once. Please, angel...(72)"
Ivy strongly believes that her angels are real because it seems like a way that her angels are like God. She prays to them every night and prays when she needed help. In this case, Ivy was terrified of water because of past experiences of drowning. She prays to the water angel hoping that the angel would save her.
Ivy finally tells Tristan about her belief in angels and he strongly believes that angels are not real and tries to break it to her that they are not real and they did not “save” her from sticky situations. Once Tristan had an “accident” Tristan is basically a “ghost” or a “guardian angel” himself. Ivy now no longer believes in angels because of how Tristan passed away and the angels did not save him. I think I am kinda off topic but all I am saying is how these two main characters are very different like Tristan falls for Ivy.. She doesn’t until later.. Ivy believes in angels.. Tristan doesn’t until later.     
Ivy and Tristan were on a date and they were driving through the woods and once they were done looking at the scenery they decided to drive back to the restaurant. Tristan kept on speeding but his brakes stopped working. Tristan dies but Ivy remains alive. Ivy was grieving for a long time between the middle of the 1st and 2nd book and she completely lost faith in angels because the angels did not save Tristan. Ivy suffered from nightmares and Tristan... well let’s say hes a angel. Tristan’s mission is to help save Ivy from the danger that was coming soon but the only way he can save her is if she believed in angels again. In the book it has some things about her getting into danger. One time a man broke into her house
“Before she could turn around, a sack was pulled over her head. Ivy screamed and fought to get free, ripping at the sack with her hands, clawing it like a cat.”(91) (The reason why it is page 90 is because this quote is in the 2nd book).
The first danger that Ivy had encountered was the accident, someone knocked the window pane and someone went in her house and when she went to go downstairs to figure out what happen and this happened. I think after this Ivy will soon get more dangers in the book and Tristan would be able to help her if she believed in angels. So far the book is great but in the beginning I wished the car crash was not that quick because it seemed like Ivy and Tristan had a 2 week lovey dovey situation which of course, I love to read. When Tristan died on like Page 100 halfway the first book My jaw dropped because I absolutely LOVED the chemistry between Ivy and Tristan and I wish the chemistry stayed longer. Of course I am attracted to books that have alot of chemistry and whatnot and I think the main weakness of the book personally to me would be the chemistry between Ivy and Tristan because the chemistry between them were very short and non long lasting and to be honest I think the rest of the book is kinda bullshit, (excuse my language) but it just talks about how Tristan is still in the guardian angel and how Ivy falls in love with her step brother and another dude named Will. I kinda recommend people to read this book but I don’t recommend it to those that like good long lasting chemistry like The Twilight Saga.

I guess you can say my absolute favorite book is the Twilight Saga. The Twilight Saga is the one the opened my eyes to young teen books and more and I completely fell in love with reading books that have immortal characters, vampires, fairies, and more. There are some books that are tied with the Twilight Saga, Personally, I think Kissed by and Angel is an okay book, I love Twilight Saga because of the chemistry between Bella and Edward and later on there is a love triangle. The Twilight Saga has more very descriptive characters in the book and creates an image in your head to what the character will look like. On the other hand, Kissed by and Angel is not very descriptive in the characters, all I know about Ivy in the book is her Golden hair and pale skin. Even though it lacks character description, I like the dramaticness of scenes and how specific the car accident was and how descriptive it was that you can imagine the scenes in your own head.


Peer Review Comments.

>> Monday, May 2, 2011

David: Hi David! :D I think your rough draft of your book is pretty good! I suggest on the final draft you remove the whole "I still haven't finish the whole book" thing to make it more clean and smooth and not repetitive. On your final draft, I would like to hear more about how his brother's death affected him with school work. Are his parents supportive or they aren't around or they don't really pay attention to him? I know this is a really bad request but i REALLY want to know if he gets back on track and is determined to switch his life back around!

Susan:I think your post on this is great! To be honest, the summary kinda confuses me a little D;. Are druid's bad or a type of group that is bad?

Jessica:Hey babygirl! Stan didn't post his so I decided to write on your's! I really think your post on this is fabulous! I love how you got into good depth with Ronnie and her parents, especially her dad. I really expected you to write about the relationship with Ronnie and Will and how at some point, Ronnie and her dad got kinda along because she was head over heels with Will maybe?


Book Review: Rough Draft.

>> Friday, April 29, 2011

In the book, Kissed by an Angel by Elizabeth Chandler talks about two main characters in the book named Tristan and Ivy. Tristan goes to Stonehill high. In the book, Tristan is described as a well known swimming athlete with a amazing body, great abs and fit. This kind of reminds me of how Jacob was described in the Twilight Saga. Ivy also goes to Stonehill high and she is a pale, petite young lady and all that. At first Tristan was showing very much interest in Ivy which is every girl’s dream to have such a hot guy to have a crush on a average looking girl. The chemistry between Tristan and Ivy is unbelievable. I really loved how Ivy was not showing any interest in Tristan and it slowly grew on to her how she has a crush on Tristan. Ivy strongly believes in angels. She has a whole collection of statues that are angels. Her favorite ones are Tony and the Water Angel. 
“Water Angel, Ivy prayed silently. Water angel, don’t let me fall. You helped me once. Please, angel...(72)"
Ivy strongly believes that her angels are real because it seems like a way that her angels are like God. She prays to them every night and prays when she needed help. In this case, Ivy was terrified of water because of past experiences of drowning. She prays to the water angel hoping that the angel would save her. 
Ivy finally tells Tristan about her belief in angels and he strongly believes that angels are not real and tries to break it to her that they are not real and they did not “save” her from sticky situations. Once Tristan had an “accident” Tristan is basically a “ghost” or a “guardian angel” himself. Ivy now no longer believes in angels because of how Tristan passed away and the angels did not save him. I think I am kinda off topic but all I am saying is how these two main characters are very different like Tristan falls for Ivy.. She doesn’t until later.. Ivy believes in angels.. Tristan doesn’t until later.     
As I start to finish up the first book and the 2nd book, there are many things happening. First of all, Ivy and Tristan were on a date and they were driving through the woods and once they were done looking at the scenery they decided to drive back to the restaurant. Tristan kept on speeding but his brakes stopped working. Tristan dies but Ivy remains alive. Ivy was grieving for a long time between the middle of the 1st and 2nd book and she completely lost faith in angels because the angels did not save Tristan. Ivy suffered from nightmares and Tristan... well let’s say hes a angel. Tristan’s mission is to help save Ivy from the danger that was coming soon but the only way he can save her is if she believed in angels again. In the book it has some things about her getting into danger. One time a man broke into her house
“Before she could turn around, a sack was pulled over her head. Ivy screamed and fought to get free, ripping at the sack with her hands, clawing it like a cat.”(91) (The reason why it is page 90 is because this quote is in the 2nd book).
The first danger that Ivy had encountered was the accident, someone knocked the window pane and someone went in her house and when she went to go downstairs to figure out what happen and this happened. I think after this Ivy will soon get more dangers in the book and Tristan would be able to help her if she believed in angels. So far the book is great but in the beginning I wished the car crash was not that quick because it seemed like Ivy and Tristan had a 2 week lovey dovey situation which of course, I love to read. When Tristan died on like Page 100 halfway the first book My jaw dropped because I absolutely LOVED the chemistry between Ivy and Tristan and I wish the chemistry stayed longer.


Kissed by an Angel Part 2.

>> Wednesday, April 13, 2011

In the book, Kissed by an Angel by Elizabeth Chandler talks about two main characters in the book named Tristan and Ivy. As I start to finish up the first book and the 2nd book, there are many things happening  First of all, Ivy and Tristan were on a date and they were driving through the woods and once they were done looking at the scenery they decided to drive back to the restaurant. Tristan kept on speeding but his brakes stopped working. Tristan dies but Ivy remains alive. Ivy was grieving for a long time between the middle of the 1st and 2nd book and she completely lost faith in angels because the angels did not save Tristan. Ivy suffered from nightmares and Tristan... well lets say hes a angel. Tristan’s mission is to help save Ivy from the danger that was coming soon but the only way he can save her is if she believed in angels again. In the book it has some things about her getting into danger. One time a man broke into her house
“Before she could turn around, a sack was pulled over her head. Ivy screamed and fought to get free,ripping at the sack with her hands,clawing it like a cat.”(91) (The reason why it is page 90 is because this quote is in the 2nd book)
The first danger that Ivy had encountered was the accident, someone knocked the window pane and someone went in her house and when she went to go downstairs to figure out what happen and this happened. I think after this Ivy will soon get more dangers in the book and Tristan would be able to help her if she believed in angels. So far the book is great but in the beginning I wished the car crash was not that quick because it seemed like Ivy and Tristan had a 2 week lovey dovey situation which of course, I love to read. When Tristan died on like Page 100 halfway the first book My jaw dropped because I absolutely LOVED the chemistry between Ivy and Tristan and I wish the chemistry stayed longer.


Kissed by an Angel.

>> Wednesday, April 6, 2011

In the book, Kissed by an Angel by Elizabeth Chandler talks about two main characters in the book named Tristan and Ivy. Tristan goes to Stonehill high. In the book, Tristan is described as a well known swimming athlete with a amazing body, great abs and fit. Which kind of reminds me of how Jacob was described in the Twilight Saga. Ivy also goes to Stonehill high and she is a pale,petite young lady and all that. At first Tristan was showing very much interest in Ivy which is every girl’s dream to have such a hot guy to have a crush on a average looking girl. The chemistry between Tristan and Ivy is unbelievable. I really loved how Ivy was not showing any interest in Tristan and it slowly grew on to her how she has a crush on Tristan. Ivy strongly believes in angels. She has a whole collection of statues that are angels. Her favorite ones are Tony and the Water Angel. 
“Water Angel, Ivy prayed silently. Water angel, don’t let me fall. You helped me once. Please, angel...(72)"
Ivy strongly believes that her angels are real because it seems like a way that her angels are like God. She prays to them every night and prays when she needed help. In this case, Ivy was terrified of water because of past experiences of drowning. She prays to the water angel hoping that the angel would save her. 
Ivy finally tells Tristan about her belief in angels and he strongly believes that angels are not real and tries to break it to her that they are not real and they did not “save” her from sticky situations. Once Tristan had an “accident” Tristan is basically a “ghost” or a “guardian angel” himself. Ivy now no longer believes in angels because of how Tristan passed away and the angels did not save him. I think I am kinda off topic but all I am saying is how these two main characters are very different like Tristan falls for Ivy.. she doesn’t until later.. Ivy believes in angels.. Tristan doesn’t until later.     


Vignette Project Review

>> Friday, April 1, 2011

While surfing through google reader, I took alot of time to find what other people had in common. It took a while for me to read and understand what their vignettes were about. Finally, I have found a couple of other students vignettes that had in common. What I found that struck out to me was how my classmates wrote about their talent and how they got into it. Their vignettes about their talent shows that they are committed to what they were doing and how big their talent is in their lives.
One example is from Jessica’s vignette

When I tried playing the violin, it made a vibrating sound that surrounded the room. It was difficult for me to read the notes and to understand all the dynamic changes. Whenever I play, my hands turns to be as sweaty as if I just ran a mile.The first song I played was allegro and when I realize that I can play such beautiful music.
In this vignette, she shows how she first had a violin and at first she struggled to read the notes and was a noobie at the violin but as she progressed in learning, she realized how much talent she has in violin that one song can change the rest of her life. This shows her commitment in the violin because she she started a while back and even today she still plays. Jessica also plays piano which is very impressive, she takes classes and still plays. I heard her play before she is PHENOMENAL!

Another example of musical talent is from Fermin's vignette
 Playing Bass is my favorite thing to do in my free time. And of course, it is my all time favorite hobby. In my family, I happen to play bass and also so does my godfather.  But, there is a big difference, He has been playing bass guitar for about 15 years and I’ve been playing for only 4 months, a huge difference.
Fermin has been playing the bass and he talks to me about him playing in class like almost everyday which is interesting and I like how he likes how to play the bass. Even though Fermin played for about 4-5 months I can already see that he is starting to be committed to his talent and I bet you that he is a GREAT bassist. Hopefully I can hear him play and show his talent one day.


What is next for Esperanza?

>> Friday, March 25, 2011

Is Esperanza leaving? Forever? Finally! At the end of The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros! As we read the last four vignettes the four vignette describes her choice of getting her own real house and possibly moving out and from Mango Street forever?
“When you leave you must remember to come back for others. A circle, understand? You will always be Esperanza. You will always be Mango Street. You can’t erase what you know. You can’t forget who you are” (105)
Esperanza had dealt with many things in her life when she first moved into her house on Mango Street. She wanted to make new friends. In this book it describes her life when she moved and what happens after she moves and how her life was like. The quote represents how Esperanza plans on leaving. Possibly go to college or get a good education. Everything that Esperanza says in this books represents her life and childhood has she looks back on these moments in the book. The one that really represents herself is the house itself. The house will always be a part of her because of the moments she had with herself, friends, and family also. Esperanza has to come back and come back for the ones she left behind and I believe that she will do that. One of the important reasons why she would come back is because she wrote this book so that she would not miss the House on Mango Street.
“Before Keeler it was Paulina, but what I remember most is Mango Street, sad red house, the house I belong but do not belong to.”
Esperanza’s teen childhood is bases around Mango Street. All the symbolism she had encountered while living in Mango Street means something in her life like windows as being trapped or stuck, red as being something dark and sad, and pink as her past childhood that she is not willing to give up. All of these symbolism represents her time at Mango Street. She believes that she does belong in Mango Street in some parts but at the same time she believes that she does not belong here. Stuck in the middle between belonging and not belonging, she chose to spread her wings and be more independent somewhere else other than Mango Street but will come back.


Gender differences HoM.

In the book The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros talks about a teenage girl named Esperanza. Esperanza deals with her life with her house full of family, friends, and her house. In the book there are some vignettes that shows how Cisneros views how parents/guardians treat girls and boys differently. In some certain standards, it depends on the situation whether or not to treat boys and girls the same or differently.
One example in the book from the vignette named Sally is

“Her father says to be this beautiful is trouble [...]  She can’t go out. Sally I mean”.(81)  “[...] and nobody could call that crazy.”(83).
Cisneros shows how families might treat how boys and girls differently. Some families would treat girls and boys the same but some might treat them differently. It seems to me that she implies that it depends on the child and the parent/guardian itself. This quote talks about how her father wouldn’t give her as much freedom because her father thinks that she is pretty and because of that more guys would be attracted to her and she would be expected to do stuff that she was not allowed to at a young age.
Another example is how girls are not given much freedom because they are expected to be a “mom figure”
    “Since she comes right after me, she is my responsibility.” (8)
Esperanza is expected to take care of her little sister, Nenny. Her family expects her to take care of her little sister and this shows how Esperanza is expected to be the “mom figure” because she has a little sister that she has to take care of and look after. Cisneros believes that parents/guardians needs girls that are responsible to be a “mom figure” so that the younger sibling will have a guidance to what is lady like or not. She also implies that if something happens to the mother then the oldest female siblings will have to take responsibility and take over the mom’s job in order to keep the house normal and keep it the way the family rule is.



>> Friday, March 18, 2011

My life begins
Say hello to vegetables and fish :
I realized how much land animals are going through. Animals are living beings just like humans, only we can talk and not moo.
It was then when I saw a documentary of how animals are being in a farm/barn to being at Lucky’s or Safeway. The video was horrifying to watch. I cringed every time they would cut off a chicken’s beak. I remember that one scene where a cow was hanged upside down and the person stabbed the cow’s neck. A pool of red thick liquid poured out instantly. The cow’s eyes drifted every second. I decided to limit my red meat but still consume chicken/turkey. One of an Asian dish is having boiled chicken with the head included. I saw my mother put the head in the trash can. I went to the kitchen to spit out my gum so that I can find some food to eat then I spotted a chicken’s head it looked so helpless and its eyes were closed and looked yellow. It felt as if the chicken was trying to breathe and it made me realize what I was eating so I decided to be a Vegetarian.
Not long ago that I forgot that I love sushi I had to become from a Vegetarian to a Pescetarian.
When the teacher picks on me to read, I forget about the context of the story and focus on how I read. I just want to try my best to not seem like a complete implausible. When the teacher asks a question, everyone knows she picked the student without their hands up. So, I raise my hand for a split second, but then I start over thinking stuff, like what if she’s just simply going to pick on the students with their hands up or she notice me, someone who never volunteers and doesn’t want to miss out on the chance. What sucks the most is when you don’t even get to get pick on by hands, but by pulling sticks. I panic when I heard my name come out of her mouth to answer the only question I wasn’t paying attention to. She just caught me off guard. My face turned red. I was heating up. My armpits were sweating. I kept telling myself to be calm, be calm. It didn’t work. The bell rang. I was saved. I raced out of the classroom avoiding eye to eye contact with the teacher. My face made it back to its pale colors, just the way I liked it.
Breaking out of the shell:
I promised myself that I would try to be confident and leave my quietness/shyness behind. New school , New beginnings, New friends. I knew that I didn’t want to be the old Christy. That one that turns bright red, the one that stutters during author’s chair. I want to be social, out there, not shy but confident. I was the black sheep. Looking back on the first day of freshman year made me realize how much I broke out of my shell and comfort zone. I would be comfortable to speak in front of the class. I wasn’t afraid to answer any questions when the teachers asked me. I noticed I was not as nervous as I was a year ago.
My name:
My name is Christy, sometimes I like that name and sometimes I don’t. My parents did not know what to name me so they asked their friend and they decided to put names in a fish bowl. The first name was pulled out, it was Kristin. My parents did not like it so they picked out the second one. The paper said Christy. Thank god I do not have a super fobby name. Most people I meet like my name but the only reason why I like it is because I haven’t had another classmate with the same name as me.This is good because I know a lot of people that have the same names which I wouldn’t be pleased to have. I would want to be different. What sucks is that whenever I would go souvenir shopping and I want to get a pack of mint with my name on the box or a key chained name they would never carry my name. The closest they can reach is Christine. This is pretty sad.
Talent :
So what do you do in your spare time? Do you have any hobbies? Talents? ____ said.
Nothing, no and no I responded.
Why don’t you have any talents? she replied
Because I am not good at anything I said.
What is your talent?
Oh I play the piano and I can sing
Wow that is pretty awesome I said.
Yeah she replied with a smile
I despise people when they ask me what my talent is. I seem to never have one but other people do.
Don’t worry you’ll find your talent
I don’t think I will, I have been waiting for 14 years to find out what my talent was but it never happened
You’ll find your talent she said cheerfully.
I remembered that one time where I was cruising around Youtube and I saw a girl named Tiffany Alvord and I watched majority of the video and she played her guitar while singing and I watched as how she moved her fingers. The sound of her guitar was the same as if the music was instrumental. I must say she was really talented. If she can do it, I can do it. Of course after watching one video I did not just jump into buying a guitar right away. I wanted to feel like I was really into it. I did not want to be the kind of person that quits after 2 months of playing it. After a year I decided to buy a guitar. My first guitar was absolutely stunning. Jet black body that shined in the light. The light colored wooded neck fits in my palm perfectly. I know that the first strum would last forever.


>> Friday, March 11, 2011

In the book The House of Mango has many symbolism in the book. Like last week on our blogs we discussed about windows symbolism and what it represents as in the book. This week we got to choose many different types of symbolism in the book but today I will be talking about what red symbolizes in the book. The main character Esperanza, uses red to symbolize what she is forced to do and because of this she is not able to make her own decisions. 
“Until then I am a red ballon, a ballon tied to an anchor,”(9) 
This quote symbolizes how she is brought down and she isn’t able to express herself freely. I believe that in the beginning Esperanza doesn’t know who she is as a person and struggles to find it. Meanwhile with her stuggles to find her identity she lets herself bring her down and instead of “being untied to an anchor” she stays tied to it. The quote also connects to one of the vignettes that symbolizes windows and windows represents being trapped in a house like what I wrote about last week. Another symbolization that connect with red and the meaning of red like being forced to do something, not letting go yourself, and being stuck is something that connects to Pink.
At first in the book she talks about pink shoes and shoes alone and it represents past childhood and when she incorporated red in the vignettes shows the opposite of that.
“He said I love you, Spanish girl, I love you, and pressed his sour mouth to mine. Sally, make him stop..”(100) 
This quote is from the vignette “Red Clowns” shows that she was forced to kiss someone and she did not want to be kissed and red symbolizes scariness and being forced. hence the title “Red Clown”. So far in this book there are many more things to symbolize like more red connection and or pink connections that shows how her life was bringing down and how she has to be forced to do something or someone telling her what to do and much more.



>> Friday, March 4, 2011

In the book The House of Mango has many symbolism in the book. Yesterday in class we discussed about how shoes symbolizes childhood and growing up from it. There are more stuff in the book at also symbolizes in the chapters like My Name, No Speak English,Rafaela Who Drinks Coconut Juice on Tuesdays, and Sally. In the chapter or vignette called “My Name” talks about how she inherit her name , Esperanza.
She looked out the window her whole life, the way so many women sit their sadness on an elbow... I have inherited her name, but I don’t want to inherit her place by the window,”(11)
This quote talks about her great grandmother and how she was forced to marry. Once her great grandmother was married, she spent most of her life sitting by a window and look at nothing but watch time pass by. Since she inherited her great grandmother’s name she didn’t want to be forced to marry and be trapped all her life.
In the next vignette is called “No speak English” which is also kinda about being stuck in a situation where you are trapped in a house.
“She won’t come down. She sits all day by the window and plays Spanish radio show...” (77)
This quote expresses how she misses her home and isn’t happy with living in that house and shes more happy living in Mexico where her home is. She feels like she doesn’t fit in when she moved to her husband’s house and because of that it affected her being social so she just sat there and dwell on her situation
“Rafaela leans out the window and leans on her elbow and dreams her hair is like Rapunzel’s,” (79)
What this quote means is how Rafaela is  trapped at home and she wants someone to save her, hence the Rapunzel hair. She wants to live her own life and be free instead of being trapped and lonely with nothing to do.
All of these quotes reflect on how young women are trapped in their own home and the only choice to do is just sit there and dwell on your situation and wait for someone to save them in the trapped house.


The Color Purple Compare and Contrast

>> Thursday, February 24, 2011

In the book The Color Purple a novel by Alice Walker, talks about how the main character, Celie is using God to help with her struggles. When Celie was younger her dad wanted or told Mr. to marry Celie instead of Nettie because she was too young. In the whole book, Celie depends on God and writes to him most of the time.Celie uses her method of writing to God to cope with her struggles. Celie dealt with a lot of abuse from Mr. She always had a lot of chores around the house and takes care of kids. No one really truly loves her except for her sister, Nettie but Mr. kicked her out. Celie and Nettie both have similarities with religion, gender inequality, and education but both have differences. Nettie has more freedom and opportunities while Celie doesn’t
At first Nettie and Celie have similarities in strong religion but in the end it becomes different. Celie depends on God because she felt like he was the only one she can depend on and trust because she has no one. Later on in the book Celie found Nettie’s letters from Africa telling Celie that she is at a Olinka village because she was a missionary. Celie got caught up with her sister that she doesn’t write to God anymore
“Dear Nettie, I don’t write to God no more. I write to you.” (92).
This quote shows that she has been writing to God her whole life and she feels like he doesn’t make anything better. Even though Celie writes to God, She writes to him because she needs someone to help her and someone for her to talk to. Celie realizes that when she writes to God, he doesn’t help her, talk to her, or do anything. After she read Nettie’s Letters, she feels that if she wrote to Nettie she would understand Celie more than God and give her advice. As for Nettie, her belief in God stays strong and uses religion as a career which is being in Africa missionary to spread religion.
“Corrine and Samuel and the children are part of a group of people called Missionaires, of the American and African Missionary society.”(130)
Nettie believes in religion and has strong faith in it. Even though Corrine and Samuel are good friends with Nettie, she would still have to go to Missionary with them because they are like family. Corrine and Samuel are religious just like Nettie. During Nettie’s missionary she sees missionary as a career and spreading the religion. Nettie’s faith in God still remains as she is in the missionary.
During the letters to God, Celie explains her struggles with Mr. and at home. Mr. treats Celie like she is nothing. In the book it talks about gender inequality. Celie believes men are much more better than women. With that belief of hers, she doesn’t stand up for herself and believes that men should have more power and be more demanding while on the other hand women should listen to the man and follow instructions or rules. Celie doesn’t realize that shes not independent which is a huge indicator because she didn’t stand up for herself and her rights until near the end of the book. Futhermore in the  book, Celie experienced inequality itself between Shug and Celie.
“He beat be when you not here, I say... What he beat you for? she ast. For being me and not you.” (74-75)
This quote shows inequality between M.r., Shug, and Celie because Mr. favors Shug more and Mr. beast Celie because she isn’t like Shug and doesn’t look as pretty as Shug. Just because Celie isn’t like Shug doesn’t mean he have to treat Celie like crap. Mr. doesn’t realize that everyone is different and isn’t equal like Shug and Celie.
“Don’t let them run over you, Nettie say. You got to let them know who got the upper hand,”(17)
This quote explains how Nettie is independent herself and stands on her own. Nettie sticks up for Celie and herself. Nettie doesn’t want M.r. to take control of Celie. Nettie wants Celie to be independent and stand up for her own rights. Later on, Celie lost herself because Mr. beats her and that shoes that she is afraid to stand up for herself, her rights, and what she deserves to be.
Celie taught herself how to read and write but also with help from Nettie. At first, Nettie was educated on her own but Celie was uneducated.
“Us both be hitting Nettie’s schoolbooks pretty hard, cause us know we got to be smart to git away... I know I’m not as pretty or smart as Nettie, but she say I ain’t dumb,” (9)
Celie envy’s Nettie sort of because Nettie can read and write. Education is powerful and with it anyone can do anything. Celie wants to be educated like her sister because she wants to have the ability to have education at that time. Celie pretty much taught herself how to read and write and this shows that they didn’t allow education.
“Why can’t Tashi come to school? she asked me. When i told her the Olinka don’t believe in educating girls she said, quick as a flash, they’re like white people at home who don’t want colored people to learn,”(156)
Nettie has a strong belief in education when she went to missionary . Nettie wanted to spread education amoung the women at the Olinka village but the people don’t accept or allow education there. Even though the Olinka village doesn’t allow education, Olivia and Tashi wanted to be educated and managed to learn.
In conclusion, the similarites and differences between Celie and Nettie show their experiences at home and outside the states. Celie didn’t have as much experience has Nettie did. This includes Education, Religion, and gender inequality.


Rebuttal! : Elton's post

>> Friday, January 28, 2011

      Elton's opening statement has points about how child actors should be role models. Although Elton made good points about why child actors should be role models, he made some really bad ones.

One more pro for why the only reason Celebrities such as Hannah Montana looks bad... is just because she did drugs which in fact is her own life to choose, and lots of people have done too... but she is now labeled as a “bad role model” is because she tried to enjoy life through drugs.
 You mean Miley Cyrus right? I do love her though as an actor on Hannah Montana but as herself in the real world, yeah she a bad role model. Tons of kids look up to her. They see her as pretty, successful into the acting business and she has true talent in singing and action. Kids look up to her because maybe kids do have talent and wish they were as famous as her or show their talent to the whole world. If Miley does smoke or drink of course she would be a bad role model because a lot of kids do look up to her and she can be a bad influence. She is highly known for a role model and she should know better. Honestly, If she does like doing drugs and enjoying it she should know that shes going to send a wrong impression of herself out to the public especially to younger kids. I understand that many people do drugs too but what if kids do follow her footsteps and decided to do drugs and smoke because of her? Wouldn't you think that it would be a bad role model? Thinking it is okay to do drugs and smoke. Not necessarily. All I am saying is you wrote about WHY child actors should be role models and you incorporated Miley Cyrus doing drugs has nothing to do with why child should be role models. It would be better if you put another reason and just erase the whole Miley Cyrus thing.
Anotherthing is that i think child actors are only bad to the public is
because of paparazzi and i would definitely agree that it would be
annoying having someone around always taking picture of me
      Elton! Why are you talking about why child actors are BAD? You're suppose to write WHY they should be role models. I think your whole blog post on why child actors should be role models is not on topic at all. These reasons that you stated in the post isn't relevant to the topic! How is Child actors being role models have to do with paparazzi taking pictures of you?! -facepalm-


The Color Purple.

>> Sunday, January 23, 2011

      Throughout Celie's childhood, she suffered from being raped and beaten but the one that makes her move forward in life is God. Celie writes letters to God telling about all the things that happened in her day and she also vents out her problems to God like about her being raped or beaten. Since Celie writes letters to God her relationship with God grew stronger because she can tell him everything. When Celie's sister, Nettie went away she doesn't have anyone to talk to or depend on when she has a bad day or something bad happened to her.

 "It's worse than that, I think. If I was buried, I wouldn't have to work. But I just say, never mine, never mine, long as I cal spell G-O-D I got somebody along." (Walker, Pg.17)
      Celie has God there to help her. Celie has a very strong belief in God, she feels like he can help her with all the problems she has and she trusts him no matter what. Celie uses God to help her cope with all the heavy situations that she had been through. Especially when Mr._____ rapes and beat her. Celie writes to God everyday as if a regular person is writing in a diary. Many people say that if you are having a bad day then write about it, Celie uses God to put our her anger and sadness to God because of how much hardwork she has to put in every single day. Celie cleans up around the house and works out all day. She seems to never have a break, but never complained about how much work she had to do.
       But I say I'll take care of you. With God help.(Walker, Pg.3)
      Not only does Celie use God as a person who helps her cope with her problems but she uses him for support within herself and her family.Celie loves her sister Nettie and she wants to take care of her because she loves her and because she is her sister. She believes that not only will she protect and take care of her but God will too.


Social Networks.

>> Friday, January 21, 2011

Social networks are harmful to the society. I know this seems kind of weird but I still use Facebook even though I think it is harmful to the society. Anyone can either go pro or con and still use Facebook but others have different reasons why they still use it. The only reason why I use it is either contacting people, asking for homework, and posting what song I am listening to. Other than that other stuff are little things but the ones I just listed are the main reasons why I use it.Many people have other reasons to use it like because they don't have a phone they can go on Facebook and talk to their friends that way or ask for homework on the internet instead of texting that person and wait for hours in reply.
Social networking sites have no way to verify that people are who they claim to be, leaving people vulnerable to solicitations from online predators who are able to mask their true identities. In Feb. 2009, MySpace identified 90,000 registered sex offenders with profiles on the site, while Facebook declined to reveal how many were present on its site. Even if the sites agree to remove sex offenders, they cannot identify all of them or stop them from creating new accounts.
Getting back to the topic, social networks are harmful to the society most of the time. Especially when it comes to Myspace. This quote shows how accepting random people and talking to them over message or comments, they never show their true selves. As you can see in the quote, "Myspace identified 90,000 registered sex offenders" with this many sex offenders on the social network puts everyone in risk if you aren't careful in who your adding. A totally random person can put a good looking profile picture and add you and sometimes you will accept that person because you think he/ she is cute and you want to know that person. Sex offenders from every social network puts everyone on risk if you don't watch where you give your name, location, phone number, and school.   
Social networking sites make cyberbullying, a type of bullying that occurs online, easier and more public than bullying through other online activities such as email and instant messaging. A 2009 study found that 17.3% of middle school students have been victims of cyberbullying. [7]  Victims often experience a drop in grades, decreased self-esteem, and other symptoms of depression.
Cyberbullying happens all the time in social networks. Posting false rumors about a girl/guy you dislike, Starting a fight with someone which leads to a heavy argument online, posting embarrassing or confidential stuff about them and many more. In one click of a button everything will spread like wildfire. Of course Cyberbullying is easier than bullying in the real world because everyone can see what you spread and leads to bigger arguments online.  When Cyberbullying is taken place it leads to kids feeling depressed and humiliated. Cyberbullying is hard to get rid of because no one can control what you post and what you don't. There is a movie about Cyberbullying called Odd girl out. I watched this on Lifetime but I am pretty sure you can watch it on Youtube. 


Free topic: My day.

>> Friday, January 14, 2011

       My day today was okay so far. School is school, nothing really new except learning. I take naps everyday but I missed it yesterday so I was really sleepy and tired but then when I went to P.E I was really hyper. P.E was okay, every Fridays are free days so you can do any sport you want and Janice and I picked this one game its kind of like golf but different. It was funny because me and Kyle kept hitting each other  because we were trying to fake fight, I lost because he ran too fast :'[ I think the game is kind of fun, the only thing is you cant really see the wire loops unless you get close to it. When I came home I went straight to bed and slept for 4 hours. If felt great but the thing is since I already slept, I don't know if I am able to sleep again which sucks but then I will be playing on my Itouch.
       I woke up at 7 and I ate some candy and my mom made broccoli and I am still eating it because I had to write 2 posts and My brother came in my room and I gave him a bag of chips and while I looked inside I found a 3/4 eaten meat sandwich. My reaction was what the heck? Why would someone give me a meat sandwich like I am a vegetarian. I remembered that I gave the bag to Janice so that she can hold it for me by the end of the day because the chips don't fit in my backpack and Janice put her meat sandwich in the bag and forgot to take it out. I showed my brother the meat sandwich and my brother's face was so funny because it was a random 3/4 eaten meat sandwich in a bag. I asked Janice if she forgot to take it out and she did and I don't know if she wants it back or I should throw it away. Interesting day right? :]


Response to Karisa.

Now, I haven't talked to this friend in a really long time. I miss her, but she doesn't really seem to care. It's kind of sad because she was one of my closest friends in middle school and now we never talk. Just like the quote said "[People] end up having nothing to say to each other, even if they were best friends the year before.
      People do change. The worse thing about seeing one of your good friends change is how it can affect the friendship. My ex best friend changed when we started to go to highschool. Before all of this we used to do everything together and we had some good moments. We never had our ups and downs until school started back in August. What she told my friend about me was really hurtful after out huge argument and basically ended talking. She told my friend that when she needed help, I was no help at all and when I needed her she would help me. I really hope she knows that when I need help, she doesn't help me either. I just know that I have someone to talk to. I realized that with many conflicts you have in your life with anyone, you are the only one that can help yourself. People's advices don't always apply to you or don't even work. I would have my sad days and I would tell my friends about it and no matter how much advice they give me it doesn't help me at all but I tell them anyways because I know that I have someone to support me and someone to talk to instead of having something bottled up inside.
      So yes I did make new friends at ASTI but thats one of the main reasons why she cut me off. I was kind of angry when I found out that she said I was closer to ASTI people than her but I questioned myself, "Am I not suppose to make new friends?" The fact that I don't have time to go hangout makes her assume that I left her but I really didn't. She knows about me more than other people I have met. She would always be my best friend but I guess not anymore.


Elite College = Better future?

      After reading all of the 7 debates, I have yet chosen the most persuasive one to me. The one that was persuasive was Martha O'Connell What you do Vs. Where you go. O'Connell talks about the importance of what you do in college rather than where you do in college.

During the fall months at high school guidance counseling programs, juniors run to the stage to participate in an exercise to try and help them understand that it is not “where you go” that matters. 
Many people stress over their grade because they want to do to an elite college to be more successful and have a better future. With this economy right now, I don't think it really matters anymore if you do go to an elite college. Yes, people say that elite colleges will give you a better future after but isn't what you do in college matters the most not where you go? Like I said in previous discussions, It really depends on yourself when it comes to choosing colleges. Your major, what school, how far you want to live away from your parents, your future job, and much more. Some people are successful even if they don't go to a elite college, some people aren't successful after they went to a elite college. I thought it was always about elite colleges but I thought wrong. What you do in college matters more. That is the one that benefits you and your future not the college itself.
The “oohs” and “aahs” follow as the audience learns that Steven Spielberg, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates dropped out of college, that Oprah Winfrey is an alumna of Tennessee State and that Ken Burns graduated from Hampshire College. If even a few stressed students and their anxious parents benefit from this information, it is a worthwhile exercise.
By reading this quote it shows how many famous people from today when to state or college. Even though they did not go to an elite college, this show how much success they got from going to a non elite college. Many parents stress over what college they want their child to go to but if you read this debate then I sure hope they do understand that what matters is what you do in college. You can still be successful after college if you do or do not go to a elite college.


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