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Social Networks.

>> Friday, January 21, 2011

Social networks are harmful to the society. I know this seems kind of weird but I still use Facebook even though I think it is harmful to the society. Anyone can either go pro or con and still use Facebook but others have different reasons why they still use it. The only reason why I use it is either contacting people, asking for homework, and posting what song I am listening to. Other than that other stuff are little things but the ones I just listed are the main reasons why I use it.Many people have other reasons to use it like because they don't have a phone they can go on Facebook and talk to their friends that way or ask for homework on the internet instead of texting that person and wait for hours in reply.
Social networking sites have no way to verify that people are who they claim to be, leaving people vulnerable to solicitations from online predators who are able to mask their true identities. In Feb. 2009, MySpace identified 90,000 registered sex offenders with profiles on the site, while Facebook declined to reveal how many were present on its site. Even if the sites agree to remove sex offenders, they cannot identify all of them or stop them from creating new accounts.
Getting back to the topic, social networks are harmful to the society most of the time. Especially when it comes to Myspace. This quote shows how accepting random people and talking to them over message or comments, they never show their true selves. As you can see in the quote, "Myspace identified 90,000 registered sex offenders" with this many sex offenders on the social network puts everyone in risk if you aren't careful in who your adding. A totally random person can put a good looking profile picture and add you and sometimes you will accept that person because you think he/ she is cute and you want to know that person. Sex offenders from every social network puts everyone on risk if you don't watch where you give your name, location, phone number, and school.   
Social networking sites make cyberbullying, a type of bullying that occurs online, easier and more public than bullying through other online activities such as email and instant messaging. A 2009 study found that 17.3% of middle school students have been victims of cyberbullying. [7]  Victims often experience a drop in grades, decreased self-esteem, and other symptoms of depression.
Cyberbullying happens all the time in social networks. Posting false rumors about a girl/guy you dislike, Starting a fight with someone which leads to a heavy argument online, posting embarrassing or confidential stuff about them and many more. In one click of a button everything will spread like wildfire. Of course Cyberbullying is easier than bullying in the real world because everyone can see what you spread and leads to bigger arguments online.  When Cyberbullying is taken place it leads to kids feeling depressed and humiliated. Cyberbullying is hard to get rid of because no one can control what you post and what you don't. There is a movie about Cyberbullying called Odd girl out. I watched this on Lifetime but I am pretty sure you can watch it on Youtube. 


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