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Final Reflective Essay.

>> Tuesday, May 24, 2011

While looking through my past blogs, I noticed that my writing has improved. In my last Reflective Essay from last semester I stated that I procrastinate while doing blog posts and I still do but I kinda improved more because in the last semester when I procrastinated, I tend to forget things and forget to include them in my blog post. This semester I improved a bit on my procrastination, I remember what to put on my blog posts and I don’t forget about leaving out detail and if I do I would go back and correct it.
In the second semester, we did not have free writes so I didn’t have any favorite posts because they were all book posts but one of my favorite posts would be the Vignette project post. In the vignette project we had to write a vignette on our own compared to the book The House on Mange Street. I had super fun actually doing the vignette projects because I get to write about my past future and the events in my life that are the highlights or important things that happened. In my vignette project, I wrote about  how I became a vegetarian, how I was shy in middle school, how I gained some confidence, talent, and how I got receive my name before I was born. This is my favorite post because I had a chance to go in depth with my work and describe the moments in great detail. Also, not only because it helped me get into detail but it helped me realized what kind of shaped me in a way. I got to realize how much confidence I gained in a year and it makes me happy that I was able to write about it. One example in my vignette project
“She just caught me off guard. My face turned red. I was heating up. My armpits were sweating. I kept telling myself to be calm, be calm. It didn’t work. “
In this part of my vignette I got to describe how I felt when i was being picked on and how my face was starting to get red.  There are more examples in my vignette where I described the moments in life and it kinda helped me be descriptive in my future essays and assignments. To get some inspiration, when we had free writes I would normally go on Tumblr for some inspiration like some of my posts, I would find a picture and include it in my post and say my opinion about it or agree with the saying of the picture and have my own personal experience with it. Now second semester was for mainly book blogging rather than free writes.
    I really like having a blog because even though we don’t get to have free writes anymore, we have response posts and they kinda help me see what other classmates say about my posts and what their opinion on it is. Before, I really love having a blog because I was able to express my feelings like If I am having a bad week or so I was able to write about it and pour my heart. One post where I kind of revealed my past problems is in my What is the Definition of Beautiful post.
One quote from it is:
"Why do people always mention skinny, tall, long legs, banging body type of girls? I am tired of people referring skinny girls as beautiful. What about the ones that are not skinny and is average or over weight?"
  I decided to write about this because society has a huge impact on image and I was very hesitant to write about it but I want others to know that I was in this situation also and fit into the skinny, nice looking image and I got few responses from that. I still do love blogging even though we don’t have free writes anymore because the Book Reviews acts as a substitute for it. I also love blogging rather than writing on a piece of paper because of course typing on a keyboard is way faster, this way I am able to put all of my ideas on a document. When I write my ideas on a separate piece of paper, I sometimes lose my train of thought. Blogging has changed the way I write because I used to take a while typing up something on blogger like a free write or something. When I have a keyboard in front of me I spill out whatever I need to say on the document instead of me like staring at my keyboard and questioning myself whether or not I should type it or not. In the first semester, I was afraid of writing what I felt like because back then I really cared about what other people’s opinion about what I said. Even before, when I was in 8th grade I had to post some of my work on blogger for other people to see. I posted stuff about myself and my works. They were mostly poems. I was very nervous of posting anything on blogger because I was scared that my poems might be horrible and my poems are not good enough. Soon, after almost the last quarter of the first semester I started writing about whatever I chose too. I was not afraid of what people thought of my work. Some of my classmates comments on my work and they were helpful. Blogging helped me get some feedback and when I read the feedback that I received, I can use the feedback to improve on my next blog or maybe fix something back.  I can and because of this, now I don’t care if the comments I will receive is negative. Blogging changed the way I write because it offered more style to our writing life rather than a pen and a paper. We are able to use the Internet as sources. One example is when we did our debate topics about homework, we had to research sources and facts for our debate. Comparing blogging and using a pen and a piece of paper is very different because we can surf the web very quickly.
    Overall, my writing has improved over this year, I still enjoy blogging. Blogging is quick and easy, you are able to surf the web and grab sources and use them. Blogging also can have other people read your work and give you feedback to improve on maybe your next post.


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