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The Color Purple.

>> Sunday, January 23, 2011

      Throughout Celie's childhood, she suffered from being raped and beaten but the one that makes her move forward in life is God. Celie writes letters to God telling about all the things that happened in her day and she also vents out her problems to God like about her being raped or beaten. Since Celie writes letters to God her relationship with God grew stronger because she can tell him everything. When Celie's sister, Nettie went away she doesn't have anyone to talk to or depend on when she has a bad day or something bad happened to her.

 "It's worse than that, I think. If I was buried, I wouldn't have to work. But I just say, never mine, never mine, long as I cal spell G-O-D I got somebody along." (Walker, Pg.17)
      Celie has God there to help her. Celie has a very strong belief in God, she feels like he can help her with all the problems she has and she trusts him no matter what. Celie uses God to help her cope with all the heavy situations that she had been through. Especially when Mr._____ rapes and beat her. Celie writes to God everyday as if a regular person is writing in a diary. Many people say that if you are having a bad day then write about it, Celie uses God to put our her anger and sadness to God because of how much hardwork she has to put in every single day. Celie cleans up around the house and works out all day. She seems to never have a break, but never complained about how much work she had to do.
       But I say I'll take care of you. With God help.(Walker, Pg.3)
      Not only does Celie use God as a person who helps her cope with her problems but she uses him for support within herself and her family.Celie loves her sister Nettie and she wants to take care of her because she loves her and because she is her sister. She believes that not only will she protect and take care of her but God will too.


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