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Vignette Project Review

>> Friday, April 1, 2011

While surfing through google reader, I took alot of time to find what other people had in common. It took a while for me to read and understand what their vignettes were about. Finally, I have found a couple of other students vignettes that had in common. What I found that struck out to me was how my classmates wrote about their talent and how they got into it. Their vignettes about their talent shows that they are committed to what they were doing and how big their talent is in their lives.
One example is from Jessica’s vignette

When I tried playing the violin, it made a vibrating sound that surrounded the room. It was difficult for me to read the notes and to understand all the dynamic changes. Whenever I play, my hands turns to be as sweaty as if I just ran a mile.The first song I played was allegro and when I realize that I can play such beautiful music.
In this vignette, she shows how she first had a violin and at first she struggled to read the notes and was a noobie at the violin but as she progressed in learning, she realized how much talent she has in violin that one song can change the rest of her life. This shows her commitment in the violin because she she started a while back and even today she still plays. Jessica also plays piano which is very impressive, she takes classes and still plays. I heard her play before she is PHENOMENAL!

Another example of musical talent is from Fermin's vignette
 Playing Bass is my favorite thing to do in my free time. And of course, it is my all time favorite hobby. In my family, I happen to play bass and also so does my godfather.  But, there is a big difference, He has been playing bass guitar for about 15 years and I’ve been playing for only 4 months, a huge difference.
Fermin has been playing the bass and he talks to me about him playing in class like almost everyday which is interesting and I like how he likes how to play the bass. Even though Fermin played for about 4-5 months I can already see that he is starting to be committed to his talent and I bet you that he is a GREAT bassist. Hopefully I can hear him play and show his talent one day.


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