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The Kite Runner: First section.

>> Monday, November 1, 2010

So far reading The Kite Runner until section one is interesting. Although there is some dramatic scenes, I really enjoy this book so far. In the book, there was one scene that really stuck me. The rape scene. Assef and his friends saw Hassan alone, Assef's friends pinned Hassan down while his pants were down and Assef proceeds to rape Hassan. I thought this scene was really horrible, the fact that Amir did not go and get help was unbelievable. Instead, Amir stood there and watched for a moment and ran away. After, Amir saw Hassan and pretended like he was looking for him, Hassan came crying and bleeding and gave Amir the blue kite. They haven’t talked about this ever since the day that this happened. In my opinion, I wished Amir would go and help Hassan. I understand that Amir was scared to help Hassan because Assef can really beat anyone up. My question is Who was Amir thinking of? Clearly, Amir did not help Hassan because he is scared but was also traumatized by the whole situation that he saw. Amir soon felt horrible for not helping Hassan.
After the rape scene, I think the conflict escalated more between Amir and Hassan. Sometimes Amir would be loyal to Hassan and sometimes he would not be loyal because of jealousy. Amir is jealous of Hassan because of how his father Baba is paying more attention to Hassan than he is to Amir. Amir over heard his father saying how he isn’t doing anything to his life but reads and write. Amir was sad but still had hope that he was going to be a writer. Another conflict that happened in section one is the fight between Hassan and Amir. Amir threw a pomegranate at Hassan and told Hassan to throw it back but instead Hassan just stood there while Amir kept throwing pomegranates at him. Hassan did not throw on back but instead he picked it up and hit it against his head and left. I can understand why Hassan did not throw it back, he wanted to stay loyal to Amir.
Overall, I really enjoy this book or this section. I can’t wait to finish the second section.


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