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Response: Substitutes

>> Friday, November 5, 2010

       I came across a post named Substitutes by Luis Alba. His post made me compare UPA Substitutes to ASTI substitutes

Lately we have had many substitutes, which is not bad so far. I have noticed many things about these substitutes. First of all, it is always the same substitute compared to my other school. In my old school we would always have different substitutes for some reason. Also, people from ASTI are very respectful to the substitutes. In my old school, there was little respect for substitutes, do not get me wrong, many people did have respect for the substitutes. Finally, I noticed that the substitutes are very loose, or not as strict. This surprised me because I thought that ASTI would have gotten strict substitutes so we would not get off task.
       For those of you who don't know Luis and I went to school together. Although we didn't have the same classes we sure do have the same Substitutes. Comparing UPA (Urban Promise Academy) to ASTI Substitutes. they are fairly different. UPA usually get random substitutes while ASTI has the same substitutes. I noticed something very different between students at UPA and ASTI. Whenever UPA has a substitute for any class, the students in the class would act very immature and causes a lot of trouble. One example I have experienced while we had a substitute in 8th grade is teachers would be nice to us, students and everyone would be a total meanie to the substitute which I feel bad for because he/she is taking their time and energy to teach us and all we are doing is just fool around. Honestly, I do fool around sometimes with friends while the substitute is there but its not really heavy as throwing stuff around the room, stealing, or even trashing the whole room. Eventually if some of the students does trash the whole room the substitute would have to clean up the mess.        
What I noticed and like about ASTI is whenever we have a substitute we act normal and ourselves instead of being immature. When we have substitute the class would stay quiet and actually listen. This shows how mature and serious we are and we can act normal around a substitute without any fooling around or problems. Unlike UPA, we do not trash the room or throw things. We also do not play jokes with the substitute. I was surprised by how my class acts they way they do when our current teachers and that shows that we are different than most highschools/ middleschools. I believe that if we do take advantages with the substitute we would all receive detention or something cruel as our punishment.


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