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Response to Fermin's post

>> Friday, November 12, 2010

      I found a interesting quote on Fermin's blog about Drawings.

Something that I enjoy to do on my freetime is to draw. I love to draw! I only need a notebook, pencil, and an ipod to keep myself active not physically but mentally. Almost everyday, I draw for about half an hour. I started to draw when I was a little kid and as years passed, my drawing skills improved a lot. What motivated me to start drawing was when I saw many favorite cartoons. When I was a little kid, I loved to watch DragonBall Z and WWE. Those were my favorite TV shows. As I observed the characters very closely, I took out a piece of paper and a pencil. I then began to draw. At first, my drawings were not too good. Day after day, I practiced and by the time I looked at my past and present drawings, I noticed dramatic changes. I can't say that I'm an expert because I'm not. I'm just an amature.
      This quote stood out to be because Fermin and I have something that we both like to do. Even though he likes drawing, on my free time I like to play on my guitar. I know relate to my guitar alot by hey I do what I love, don't judge. Now, Fermin as many years of practice on drawing and he was able to improve gradually overtime. I bet Fermin is pro at drawing. It has been a year and 2 months ever since I have gotten my first guitar. I remember that day so clearly like it was yesterday. One thing Fermin and I have in common is that we are both self taught. All I had was a guitar, a pick, a tuner, and the internet. Now you see Google is your best friend. I am not going to lie being self taught is really difficult because when you take lessons they start out by teaching you all the chords, notes, and tabs. But, I only knew how to do chords. No one taught me notes or how to read tabs. Now I know how to read tabs, sort of but still. I am making progress here.
      Doing something that you are inspired is different than being forced to do. My inspiration for learning how to play guitar is mainly Taylor Swift. She is a very talented singer and guitarist. From what I have experienced, everytime I try something new I eventually will quit and won't go back to what I was doing. Guitar has changed me for so many reason like giving up. If I stuggle with a song I know that if I persevere I would complete the song. From what I remembered, I improved so much during the past year, months and weeks. My parents rewarded me for my passion and hardwork for guitar by buying me a Fender guitar. Many people say that I am good but I don't see myself as good. I see myself as okay. I am really not that great. But I am improving. I realize that it takes time, practice, passion and dedication to do what you love doing.


Charlie November 20, 2010 at 2:55 PM  

My parents gave me my first guitar when I was fifteen--one of the classiest and most fruitful things they've ever done for me. I've never had a lesson in my life, but I've never stopped playing. (I was just practicing earlier before I sat down to read some blogs and it really put me in the right mood.) The guitar is one of those instruments that seems to be really great for people to teach themselves how to play. I hope you keep it up. You're right about the difference between being "forced" to learn something and being inspired to teach it to yourself! Don't forget that...

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