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Response to Cameron's post

>> Friday, October 1, 2010

I came across Cameron’s post about A Difference in Life & School.

All of a sudden, life just became much complicated. I have school, music lessons, after school clubs, and a little sister that I have to watch sometimes. Middle school was all gravy. To me it felt like I was sailing through it with out any obstacles in my way. All of a sudden, I am realizing that life is not so simple. As I am getting older, I am realizing the responsibilities I have are way more serious. No one is here to tell me to do my homework, or to make sure that I study for my tests. Of course my parents are there for me if I need help, but they expect me to do what i need to do with out being told. School especially is getting a little bit harder as we get further into the school year. I want to focus on my experience at ASTI so far.
  I agree with Cameron's post, Life did get complicated. Back when I was in 8th grade I had time to go shopping for clothes, go to the movies, hangout with friends, play guitar, and more. I had a lot of spare time. Middle school for me was easy especially 8th grade, I am a quick learner so I think that is why. 8th grade homework was easy to a point where I can finish everything in less than 3 hours and sometimes I feel like I don't want to do it because it was too easy. In 8th grade we sometimes have tests but some of the tests we didn't have to study like crazy. As time starts to pass the things i have time to do starts to fade away slowly.

It is sad when I think of it because I would have to wait for the holidays to do the stuff I couldn't do during school days because I don't have time. I know that i would have to manage my time but managing my time means I would have to cut out some stuff so that I would have time to study and do homework because we basically have quizzes every week. To be honest, I am a huge procrastinator so I think that is the main problem why it takes me a while to finish my homework. There are days where I can't play my guitar because of the amount of homework I would have to complete or how much I need to study. My parents support me all the way, they understand why I would have to stay up late to study or finish up a lab report but at the same time they have high expectations for me and I would have to try my best in school. Sometimes my parents don't understand why I got the grade I receive, of course they want me to get all A's but if I get B's then my parents would yell at me which is useless because it is just a B, B's are not bad at all.

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