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I miss UPA!

>> Friday, October 8, 2010

Over the past few weeks I really miss Middle school. Bany's post states,

I remembered the times I had with friends at middle school. I remember always hanging out, not really doing work. I never studied for test and I did my homework about five minutes before class, I never really needed to do anything because middle school was so easy. I would just talk in class and then go home and hang out again. we would have so much fun at lunch, going out to the yard and just talking all day! our classes were much shorter and we did fun things in class. We would have a better way of doing class work, by going outside to do work and having group projects. I also LOVED the events we had at our school. We had a bunch of spirit weeks and dances and parties. What I dont really miss is the drama that happened at my school. It was soooooo annoying! A fight this week, r Middle school was so fun and now i miss a lot of what we did in there. rumor on this guy, and some little punk ass kids selling crack  after school. It was too much!But I love my school and the people(most of them) we were so much fun and hung out all the time.
  For the one's that when to UPA or Urban Promise Academy, at some point we all disliked that school. I wouldn't use hate because hate is a strong word. UPA is an okay school, The teachers there were really interesting. Some teachers at UPA were nice and some were just mean and unfair. One thing I disliked about that school is the fact that they have Homework Detention. Homework Detention is pretty self explanatory, if you do not do your homework they simply mark you down and you would have to come after school and finish it. If you do finish the homework really quick they would still make you stay and wait or read a book which I think the whole concept is really pointless. I wish they would have removed Homework Detention and just take it out of their grade if they didn't do their homework.
  I really miss UPA though, I miss all my friends and teachers. I had a great group of friends that I mainly stick to and ever since we graduated we sort of tried to keep in contact which we still do but not as much because of our schedules and my schedule. I remember the times where we would all do our homework at recess, yes UPA has recess but it was funny because at recess we would hangout outside of the classroom but there were still windows that teachers could see. I also love the events that UPA provided us, my favorite ones were the College for all trip and Volunteer day. College for all trip is we go on a field trip to see colleges like UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, and Cal poly. It was fun because we slept at hotels and we got to choose our roommates and we would stay up until like 1AM because we couldn't sleep and we where watching a basketball game. We also went to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk and it was fun because we got a lot of game tickets and we cashed it in with prizes. Volunteer day is where the whole 8th grade class goes to a place and Volunteers it can be working at a park,garden or Senior center. You help out the community and show that you care about the environment and others. Looking back at my times at UPA I wish I can go back.


Karisa C October 25, 2010 at 8:53 AM  

I did a response post to this! Here it is: http://karisac.blogspot.com/2010/10/re-i-miss-upa-by-christy-nghe.html

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