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A Child Called It: Final section

>> Friday, December 17, 2010

    Before I start this last section of A Child Called it by Dave Pelzer. I would like to thank my group for being caught up with the reading and participating in my group. We have finally finish the book thank god! I can not wait until I read the sequal. On Thursday, we had our last lit circle discussion. I thought our discussion was pretty awesome and meaningful. As a group all of us agreed on why out of all of David’s five brothers, he would be the one that was abused by his mother. His mother treats his brothers like they were her own loving child, but when it comes to David she treated him like nothing. Later on in the discussion I mentioned how David gave up on everything in life at a young age. David gave up on his education, his family, and god. He gave up those things in order to receive food and to focus on surviving with numerous amounts of harsh treatments his mother would give him. I despise his brothers from what I have read in the book. Whenever David receives a punishment from his mother they would not help him. I understand that his brothers are trying to save their own skins. This reminds me of one of the discussions I had when we read The Kite Runner. The discussion was about rape and the question was Would you help or Would you just act like nothing happened. Of course Cameron had asked this question almost to everyone but for someone that grown up with someone for years and come from the same blood you know you already have to sacrifice something. I wished David’s brother could have helped him but his mother brainwashed him.
    David’s mother gave birth to his last brother Kevin. David loves Kevin so much because he was the one that made him laugh when Kevin smiled. David enjoys playing with Kevin and taking care of it but as time passes by Kevin started to turn against him all because of his mother. I enjoy reading this book alot, this book has alot of intense feelings going on the the story that left me sad and made me cry.


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