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Response to Cindy :]

>> Friday, December 17, 2010

      Yes! Cindy and I have something in common! We both LOVE watching Skins. In Cindy's blog she states:

Another show I love is Skins. Skins is a British drama. There is an American version coming next year on MTV. I saw the trailer and I'm pretty sure I’ll like the British one more. I love Skins because its very different from other dramas I've seen. In the first and second gen, there's this girl named Effy Stonem and she's one of my favorite characters, along with Naomi. I'm curious about the people who will portray them in the American version.  
Ever since my cousins Maria and Brenda had introduced me to Skins I have became addicted to it. Yes this TV show is British but MTV will be re-making another one with American actors. To be honest I am kind of disappointed that MTV is re-making the show because the original cast is genuine and how they portray each character. Each character shows up their own personality. I absolutely love the overall cast. The American version won't be the same as the old cast. For example, I LOVE watching The Hills. I do not care what anyone has to rant or say anything about the Hills but I love watching that show. The main character on that show is Lauren Conrad. Lauren Conrad has been on that show for about I would like to say 4-5 seasons and when I heard she left the show and MTV had replaced her for Kristen Cavallari, I got angry.
Not angry as in I want to punch her in the face but angry how they just replaced her with her high school rival. The Hills will never be the same without Lauren. Just like Skins, Skins will never be the same without the cast. My favorite cast from Skins is Cassie. At first when I watched her she seemed kind of loopy and drugged up but thats just her personality. Its sad how she suffers from eating disorders and she has to have help to fix her up but she is doing better now. I wished they would show Cassie more in the show because she seems so nice and lovely.  She is in love with Sid. The downside to Sid is how Sid likes Michelle but Michelle likes Tony, but Tony is a player I am not going to lie. I noticed that Sid looks like Ron from Harry Potter. I also like Effy too but she wasn’t featured in the couple of seasons as much. I am truly sorry I had to spoil the first season but I had to. I will always love and enjoy watching Skins because it shows the society we have today and how people are dealing with their lives with sex,drugs, and weed.


A Child Called It: Final section

    Before I start this last section of A Child Called it by Dave Pelzer. I would like to thank my group for being caught up with the reading and participating in my group. We have finally finish the book thank god! I can not wait until I read the sequal. On Thursday, we had our last lit circle discussion. I thought our discussion was pretty awesome and meaningful. As a group all of us agreed on why out of all of David’s five brothers, he would be the one that was abused by his mother. His mother treats his brothers like they were her own loving child, but when it comes to David she treated him like nothing. Later on in the discussion I mentioned how David gave up on everything in life at a young age. David gave up on his education, his family, and god. He gave up those things in order to receive food and to focus on surviving with numerous amounts of harsh treatments his mother would give him. I despise his brothers from what I have read in the book. Whenever David receives a punishment from his mother they would not help him. I understand that his brothers are trying to save their own skins. This reminds me of one of the discussions I had when we read The Kite Runner. The discussion was about rape and the question was Would you help or Would you just act like nothing happened. Of course Cameron had asked this question almost to everyone but for someone that grown up with someone for years and come from the same blood you know you already have to sacrifice something. I wished David’s brother could have helped him but his mother brainwashed him.
    David’s mother gave birth to his last brother Kevin. David loves Kevin so much because he was the one that made him laugh when Kevin smiled. David enjoys playing with Kevin and taking care of it but as time passes by Kevin started to turn against him all because of his mother. I enjoy reading this book alot, this book has alot of intense feelings going on the the story that left me sad and made me cry.


Response to Bassam's post

>> Saturday, December 4, 2010

Facebook is the most addicting thing that I can think of. For example every time I try to do my homework I get a email from someone saying get on line or you just posted on your wall. It is the only place were you can talk to all your friends that in no way is related to school. Since it takes me long enough to do my homework I get really board of doing it for like three hours so I go on the Internet to try to come my self down. Then when I'm on the Internet I all of a sudden log on to facebook and I see all my friends are on line so I talk to them and most of them are trying to get away from there homework. So I talk to them and one thing leads to the other and next thing you know I am gossiping about every one and I look at the time and I have been on the Internet for at least two hours then in the end I am two hours behind and try to make up all the work in a hour.
    Bassam, I can relate to you! I do the same thing!. I love Facebook because it allows me to talk to people when I am bored, which is most of the time. Facebook helps me to contact the majority of my friends and if they don't have a phone yet I can message them if I needed help on something When I do homework, I usually get alot of notifications and I would eventually have to check it. Well actually I check and respond once someone comment or messages me right away. I don’t know why I do that, but yeah. Once I check what other people post on my wall it turns it into a 1 hour conversation leaving my homework hanging. Now I do finish my homework but I procrastinate alot which is bad. Sometimes I get in the mood to do homework without procrastinating but in the end I do start to procrastinate. When I need homework help I would ask my friends and the only why I can contact them is through Facebook and when I do ask them my friend and I start going off topic. I use Facebook sometimes to vent my feelings out and what my opinion on things are and my friends would help me and respond to my status and that gives me a feel of their opinions. Facebook = Gossiping. I came across alot of drama and arguing with on Facebook and it distracts me because it is interesting to read. Even though facebook is a distraction it fills in my boredom on the weekends or when I finish my homework early because I am able to talk to my friends without worrying that I have alot of homework to catch up or I would have to stop procrastinating. I get really bored easily thats because sometimes i don’t feel like going out and hanging with my friends or I don’t have a ride so I can just talk to my friends. I know that I seem lame but I’m really not. Well I think i am not lame. Anywho, Facebook is great for keeping your friends in contact but a great distraction when it comes to homework.


A Child called It: First section

A Child called It by Dave Pelzer is an interesting book. Although I have read the book I will try not to give any spoilers away. In the first chapter it was a flash forward that talks about his daily routine at school. David goes to the school nurse and has himself checked out. The nurse counts his scars and beatings from his mother and asked how he receives it. David always made up excuses because his mother told him to do so. During the second chapter, David was born to a loving family with no problems. His mother seems lovely and kind while his dad is a firemen. His mother would treat her children like they were something special which really struck out to me. They would go to road trips and vacations together as a family and have a blast. But something in his mother changed, for the worse. David’s mother, Catherine became abusive towards David. David had to do numerous amounts of chores around the house every single day and received no food at all. If he is lucky he would get left overs. What really got me thinking is how David would always get abused by his mother while his brothers aren’t. His brother still gets yelled at but not necessarily beaten.
    Since his mother abuses him, David had to quit his education in order to survive.

“Usually I’m a very good student, but for the past few months I gave up on everything in my life, including my misery through my schoolwork,” (page.8)
This quote was the one that struck out. Education is powerful and it is sad to see him give up on everything including education because he needed a way to survive from his mother. I wished he didn’t give up because with something powerful it can help you go far in the future and turn the worse to the better. This book is very interesting and powerful. I love this book even though it makes me cry to see how much pain he had to go through and endure every single day of his life.


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