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Response to Meriam's Pet Peeves.

>> Friday, September 17, 2010

Reading  Meriam's pet peeves post made me realize that we have something in common.

Is it just me or is it annoying when people say "oh your name is so ( insert ethnicity)." Really if the world was made up of only John and Alice i would choke myself. Names is what make us who we are, sort of why im glad why people cant pronounce or spell my name, but it sucks to fill my name out on multiple choice tests...
   Reading this post made me realize that it is sort of true. From my past experiences I heard a lot of people say, "Oh your name is so Asian." and etc. I find that very rude because the name that they have is from their parents and their parents chose it for a reason, maybe they like the name or how it is spelled. People should respect other people's name and keep their comments to themselves and make fun of their hair or something. Just kidding. I also agree with Meriam, Names are what makes us, well us. Is it really necessary to add that extra comment and say that their name is whatever race they are going to say? Does anyone ever think that they have been constantly made fun of just because of their name? I know people have, I feel sorry for them because they get the same negative and rude comments everyday that they almost feel like they hate their parents because they gave them such a bad name and wished for a better one.
   If people would stop saying rude comments about each others name then everyone would be happy and it wouldn't create any conflicts and it would result to peace. Like seriously, find something better to do like save the world or do nice things for others. Just know that Karma is a big pain in the butt so making any rude comments,name calling,or anything, one day it will happen to you and you would see how they feel. The feeling sucks because once you think about it you question yourself saying, "Why did i do that?" or "Wow i am such a jerk." Or maybe it would happen to you but you see that someone is going through that misery and you have the sense to understand what it feels like.I know Karma sucks if you want to avoid it then do the right thing people! be nice, please keep your opinions to yourself you don't need to announce it to the world, it is embarrassing and rather mean right? Don't you think when other people say,"Oh your name is so (ethnicity)" is rude?


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