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Free topic: Imperfections do not matter

>> Friday, September 24, 2010

   As you can see in this photo above, It says,"You're Beautiful. It's Society that's fucked."  I agree with this quote because everyone is beautiful in their own ways but the society that we live in makes others bring people down because of their appearances. From what I experienced, people make judgmental comments about what type of clothes they wear, how their hair looks, and their personality. An example from last year, people would always say really rude comments. I had this classmate that would pick on people that usually do not stand up for themselves. He would always say,”Dude, look at her/him! She is/He is ugly!, Oh and look at what she/he is wearing! What is that thing on her/his face?” Or “Look at her/him she/he is so fat!” People that make these comments are the people that have big egos and they are not afraid to say their opinions. The people that have big egos don’t put themselves in other people’s shoes which makes them easily make rude comments without thinking that it would hurt their feelings. People sometimes don’t realize that they, them self have flaws too and they get carried away with other peoples flaws and later on they think that they are the most perfect person.

   Why do people do this? Is it because they want to feel like they are prettier than others? People have to understand that everyone and I mean everyone has flaws, nobody is perfect of course. Well, if nobody is perfect then why do people have to make fun of others flaws? People can look beautiful on the outside and have flaws on the inside or people can have flaws on the outside and their personality is great. It doesn’t matter if people have little imperfections like bad hair, yellow teeth, unique clothing, acne, our weight, how our hands and feet look, how dark we are or light, how some people have weird shaped nose, their eyes are too small/large,and etc because I believe that our imperfections are what makes us beautiful and unique.


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