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Qfwfq Essay

>> Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thesis: After Lll meets Qfwfq’s great uncle, N’ba N’ga, Lll slowly falls out of love with Q causing him to try his best to take her back.
Qfwfq wanted to introduce his fiance, Lll to his great uncle. Qfwfq at first did not want Lll to meet his uncle N’ba N’ga because he is a fish. Eventually, Qfwfq lets Lll meet his great uncle. Qfwfq later on regrets it because Lll is spending a lot of time with his great uncle instead of with him. One quote from The Aquatic Uncle, By Italo Calvino is,”Had i lost her? Suspecting this, I hastened to woo her back. I took to performing all sorts of feats: hunting flying insects, leaping, digging underground dens, wrestling with the strongest.”(80) This quote shows that Qfwfq is a type of person that if he doesn’t have any attention, he would do anything to have that attentions by doing anything he can.  He is ashamed that his great uncle took away Lll
Q has a habit of giving up to easily. After Qfwfq had introduced Lll to N’ba N’ga , Lll had been spending time with N’ba N’ga while Qfwfq is trying to get Lll back. Another quote is,”Marry him. Be a fish again with him. And bring still more fish into the world. Good-by.”(81) This quote shows that instead of persevering, he gave up too easily and he wouldn’t try anything else to get her back.
Since Lll and Qfwfq’s great uncle N’ba N’ga have been spending time together, Qfwfq got left out. Therefore he is semi-depressed. Last quote is,”Not even i have ever realized the full extent of my grandmother’s brother’s fishiness. So i just said: “ It’s late, Lll, let’s go....”(77) This quote shows that Qfwfq is jealous of his great uncle because Lll has been spending more time with his great uncle than she does with Qfwfq.


Response to Ivan's post

>> Friday, September 24, 2010

Reading Ivan's Post about wasting money on too much clothes made me realize that a lot of people spend most of their money on clothes.

When a person enters a store they become a different person, and everything in their mind is set to buy things and add many things to their closet. Ann addict may waste from a range of $150 and sooooo on they can go on forever. And the sad thing about people that are making the purchase is that they are not making their purchase with their own money, they would rather use their Credit Card!  So many people are in a large amount of debt because of  Credit Card purchases made from buying clothes.  People do not know how to control themselves and their urges for wasting money. many people buy a bulk amount of clothing but also they waste a greater amount because they would rather spend it on brand name clothing instead of same material clothes that are cheaper. Wouldn’t it make more sense to buy more clothes that are cheaper that would average the same amount of buying a lower amount of brand name clothing? 
When I usually say that I am going to go to the mall and get a couple of shirts, I get more than what I say. I can say I am going to get some shoes and end up with buying 3 pairs. When you buy a lot of clothing items we can get carried away sometimes and have to pay $500 worth of clothing and usually we spend it on more of a high end brand like Hollister, American Eagle, Abercrombie and Fitch, Coach, H&M, and etc. When we usually shop at these type of high-end brand stores, they would usually sell sweaters that are $50 each and if you are lucky they would mark it down. What makes these sweaters so good that they have to be expensive? I mean can’t you buy some other sweater that is cheap that keeps you warm? Does the brand really matter or keeping yourself warm in the winter matters more? When you splurge yourself in these type of stores you realize that you can get other clothing items that are the same materials but much more cheaper and sometimes you ask yourself,”If i didn’t spend all my money on and expensive clothing store I could have saved it for something more important like for family and school.

To be honest, I used to go to the more expensive/high-end branded stores. I still do but I don’t go too often more like once every 3-5 months? There is a difference between spending a lot on branded stores quite frequently and spending it not frequently. Sometimes if i do go shopping I would not go to the high-end store because I can get a cheaper alternative and I want to save my money for something important like food, school, or sometimes I want to save it because I have a trip to go to and I want to buy a souvenir for my family. Using your credit card too much on expensive clothing items can increase your debt, which is bad because you’d have to pay it off sooner or later and it would be difficult to pay if off if you are a shopping addict. Being a shopping addict will ruin your life!


Free topic: Imperfections do not matter

   As you can see in this photo above, It says,"You're Beautiful. It's Society that's fucked."  I agree with this quote because everyone is beautiful in their own ways but the society that we live in makes others bring people down because of their appearances. From what I experienced, people make judgmental comments about what type of clothes they wear, how their hair looks, and their personality. An example from last year, people would always say really rude comments. I had this classmate that would pick on people that usually do not stand up for themselves. He would always say,”Dude, look at her/him! She is/He is ugly!, Oh and look at what she/he is wearing! What is that thing on her/his face?” Or “Look at her/him she/he is so fat!” People that make these comments are the people that have big egos and they are not afraid to say their opinions. The people that have big egos don’t put themselves in other people’s shoes which makes them easily make rude comments without thinking that it would hurt their feelings. People sometimes don’t realize that they, them self have flaws too and they get carried away with other peoples flaws and later on they think that they are the most perfect person.

   Why do people do this? Is it because they want to feel like they are prettier than others? People have to understand that everyone and I mean everyone has flaws, nobody is perfect of course. Well, if nobody is perfect then why do people have to make fun of others flaws? People can look beautiful on the outside and have flaws on the inside or people can have flaws on the outside and their personality is great. It doesn’t matter if people have little imperfections like bad hair, yellow teeth, unique clothing, acne, our weight, how our hands and feet look, how dark we are or light, how some people have weird shaped nose, their eyes are too small/large,and etc because I believe that our imperfections are what makes us beautiful and unique.


Response to Meriam's Pet Peeves.

>> Friday, September 17, 2010

Reading  Meriam's pet peeves post made me realize that we have something in common.

Is it just me or is it annoying when people say "oh your name is so ( insert ethnicity)." Really if the world was made up of only John and Alice i would choke myself. Names is what make us who we are, sort of why im glad why people cant pronounce or spell my name, but it sucks to fill my name out on multiple choice tests...
   Reading this post made me realize that it is sort of true. From my past experiences I heard a lot of people say, "Oh your name is so Asian." and etc. I find that very rude because the name that they have is from their parents and their parents chose it for a reason, maybe they like the name or how it is spelled. People should respect other people's name and keep their comments to themselves and make fun of their hair or something. Just kidding. I also agree with Meriam, Names are what makes us, well us. Is it really necessary to add that extra comment and say that their name is whatever race they are going to say? Does anyone ever think that they have been constantly made fun of just because of their name? I know people have, I feel sorry for them because they get the same negative and rude comments everyday that they almost feel like they hate their parents because they gave them such a bad name and wished for a better one.
   If people would stop saying rude comments about each others name then everyone would be happy and it wouldn't create any conflicts and it would result to peace. Like seriously, find something better to do like save the world or do nice things for others. Just know that Karma is a big pain in the butt so making any rude comments,name calling,or anything, one day it will happen to you and you would see how they feel. The feeling sucks because once you think about it you question yourself saying, "Why did i do that?" or "Wow i am such a jerk." Or maybe it would happen to you but you see that someone is going through that misery and you have the sense to understand what it feels like.I know Karma sucks if you want to avoid it then do the right thing people! be nice, please keep your opinions to yourself you don't need to announce it to the world, it is embarrassing and rather mean right? Don't you think when other people say,"Oh your name is so (ethnicity)" is rude?


Ten Vocabulary Words.



Free Topic: Locks of love

>> Wednesday, September 15, 2010

 Seoul Tower- Locks of love
    If you look very closely in the photo, you see a lot of locks. Those locks are locks of love which basically mean you get a lock and with a permanent marker you write your name and the person you truly love. What i mean by truly love is the person that you love for the longest and you know that you'll love them forever no matter what. After you have wrote you name and the person you love, you will lock it to the fence and throw the key over the fence. Now over the fence is the ocean which means once you throw the key over you can't get the key back. I love the whole concept of it, it's kind of like making a wish and throwing a quarter over the fountain but with love. One question I have is How do you know if that person is the one? I hear people say,"I love my boyfriend/girlfriend i think he/she is the one." and next thing you know they end the relationship. Or the opposite maybe it can be true when you say,"I love my boyfriend/girlfriend I think he/she is the one." and you are getting married and starting a family. Hearing people say that makes me wonder how they know if they are the one. Is there some sort of feeling that tell you that the person is the one?
   Writing your name, the person you love, and throwing away the key is a kind of a big deal because it shows that you will never love someone else except for that one specific person. What if you change your mind and love someone else? What would you do? You can't take the key back, the lock is on the fence forever. This is awesome because it allows other people to try this and by looking at the image a lot of locks are on there so a lot of people seem to think that the whole concept of Locks of love is pretty cool and fun to do. Overall, this whole idea of locks is cool, I think it's very cute  I'd like to go to this place and put a lock on my own, maybe someday it will happen.


Debate Against Prostitution: Rebuttal

>> Monday, September 13, 2010

“People are not forcing these people to go out and sell themselves, so why should it be illegal.On the other hand, if the person buying the prostitute,wants to take the risk and have sex with the prostitute, then why try to stop them. That is a choice that the buyer is making and if he gets an STD, then the only person he can blame is himself.”From Cameron's Blog .

Jessica and I understand that if women or men want to sell themselves for sex then they should be allowed to but if prostitution was legalized HIV/AIDS and other STD’s percentage would be increased. Since the United States have a high percentage already, why would we want to increase it more? In 2008, there had been 42,439 people who receive HIV/AIDS and 84 percent of it were woman.

We find that prostitutes are forcing to sell themselves to others which result to the issue of human trafficking where people are kidnapping young girls to become prostitutes which automatically sets them into sex slavery and would have to so sex labor. Human trafficking also involves Auctioning and Buying prostitutes all around the world. We do not believe that any of these young girls would want to go through all these procedures or even become a prostitute, but they would have to anyways or they would receive disciplines. Because of prostitutes happening, there had been 58 million industry that are for human trafficking.

There is a choice for the buyers to have sex risking of STD’s. However, the buyers would trust that the prostitute that they had sex with would have no HIV/AIDS because they believe that prostitutes would go to the doctor every 2 weeks to check up if the prostitutes have been infected or not. There will still be a high percentage that the buyers would receive HIV/AIDS. Since doctors only “assume” that prostitutes would alert buyers or anyone else that they have an STD. Many prostitutes would hide their problem because they need to be a prostitute to earn money to support their family or themselves.
-Our opening statement


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