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Book Review: Rough Draft.

>> Friday, April 29, 2011

In the book, Kissed by an Angel by Elizabeth Chandler talks about two main characters in the book named Tristan and Ivy. Tristan goes to Stonehill high. In the book, Tristan is described as a well known swimming athlete with a amazing body, great abs and fit. This kind of reminds me of how Jacob was described in the Twilight Saga. Ivy also goes to Stonehill high and she is a pale, petite young lady and all that. At first Tristan was showing very much interest in Ivy which is every girl’s dream to have such a hot guy to have a crush on a average looking girl. The chemistry between Tristan and Ivy is unbelievable. I really loved how Ivy was not showing any interest in Tristan and it slowly grew on to her how she has a crush on Tristan. Ivy strongly believes in angels. She has a whole collection of statues that are angels. Her favorite ones are Tony and the Water Angel. 
“Water Angel, Ivy prayed silently. Water angel, don’t let me fall. You helped me once. Please, angel...(72)"
Ivy strongly believes that her angels are real because it seems like a way that her angels are like God. She prays to them every night and prays when she needed help. In this case, Ivy was terrified of water because of past experiences of drowning. She prays to the water angel hoping that the angel would save her. 
Ivy finally tells Tristan about her belief in angels and he strongly believes that angels are not real and tries to break it to her that they are not real and they did not “save” her from sticky situations. Once Tristan had an “accident” Tristan is basically a “ghost” or a “guardian angel” himself. Ivy now no longer believes in angels because of how Tristan passed away and the angels did not save him. I think I am kinda off topic but all I am saying is how these two main characters are very different like Tristan falls for Ivy.. She doesn’t until later.. Ivy believes in angels.. Tristan doesn’t until later.     
As I start to finish up the first book and the 2nd book, there are many things happening. First of all, Ivy and Tristan were on a date and they were driving through the woods and once they were done looking at the scenery they decided to drive back to the restaurant. Tristan kept on speeding but his brakes stopped working. Tristan dies but Ivy remains alive. Ivy was grieving for a long time between the middle of the 1st and 2nd book and she completely lost faith in angels because the angels did not save Tristan. Ivy suffered from nightmares and Tristan... well let’s say hes a angel. Tristan’s mission is to help save Ivy from the danger that was coming soon but the only way he can save her is if she believed in angels again. In the book it has some things about her getting into danger. One time a man broke into her house
“Before she could turn around, a sack was pulled over her head. Ivy screamed and fought to get free, ripping at the sack with her hands, clawing it like a cat.”(91) (The reason why it is page 90 is because this quote is in the 2nd book).
The first danger that Ivy had encountered was the accident, someone knocked the window pane and someone went in her house and when she went to go downstairs to figure out what happen and this happened. I think after this Ivy will soon get more dangers in the book and Tristan would be able to help her if she believed in angels. So far the book is great but in the beginning I wished the car crash was not that quick because it seemed like Ivy and Tristan had a 2 week lovey dovey situation which of course, I love to read. When Tristan died on like Page 100 halfway the first book My jaw dropped because I absolutely LOVED the chemistry between Ivy and Tristan and I wish the chemistry stayed longer.


Susan May 2, 2011 at 9:41 PM  

This sounds like a really great book. I might even check it out from the library myself. I like how you focus on the chemistry between the characters and the strength of believing.

david p May 2, 2011 at 10:36 PM  

Honestly, I dont know what to say this is a VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY good first draft lol. You did a great job in summarizing the main events as well as giving a bit of background info about Ivy and her beliefs. So yea good job idk how you can make it better :P.

saber saleh May 4, 2011 at 9:39 PM  

For your draft so far is the best i read. Because you bring a lot of detail into and the image pops up in the mind and u grabbed readers attentions like me it is very strong for me to pull my eyes away from your post. In my opinion i feel like reading it myself because of you describing it very well. Good Job!

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