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Quote Response to ASTI Constitution

>> Friday, August 27, 2010

I found a quote from Ivan's blog.

Their has always been many situations in schools, were groups of people make cliques, and somebody is left out and feels out casted . Unfortunately, I have been on both sides. Both sides feel awkward and uncomfortable in many different ways. When been on the side of an alliance or group and others are left out and feel out of place, I began to remember and feel what is the feeling of not having a friend and somebody that is next to you, and will help you when in need. In some ways it reminded me of the times that I was on the other side. While being on the other side, left out I would just feel out of place and in some ways lonely and very uncomfortable, not necessarily depressed or frustrated but just having a peculiar feeling.
I found this quote very similar to what happened to me and I know the feeling of not having a friend or someone you can trust. From the ASTI constitution specifically #2, I believe this quote shows why it is important to Include,don't exclude. I think everyone has experienced the feeling of being excluded from a group and the feeling sucks because you feel like you don't fit in because of how you look and act, because of that you feel like you want to be included and you don't know who to turn to. Since i believe in Karma, If you include others,they will include you,If you don't include them, they won't include you it is the same as treat people how you want to be treated. I believe everyone shouldn't be excluded because you don't want make people feel sad,I know this for sure because i hate the look on someone's face when they are sad and lonely.One day you will put yourself in someone's shoes and know how it feels to be left out in groups or maybe someday you will be excluded and learn how lonely and hurt you feel. Yes you don't always have to include a person you don't like but you have to see what they are like in the inside instead of the outside.Also if you see someone being left out in a group, you should go up to him/her and say, "Hey do you wanna hangout?!" Or something related to that to show them that you know how they feel and how you are there for them. No one should exclude anyone at ASTI because at the end of the day we all realize that us students and staff are one big ol' family.


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